Justice Is Just Us

Take the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase

stephen matlock
An Injustice!
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2021


Photo by Arafat Tarif from Pexels

WHERE DO I START with promoting justice and recompense for those who have been negatively affected by white racism? And then what can I do that is meaningful?

This is an interesting question for us to consider. For many of us white people, the start is going to be at different places, but there is a common thread: we have to get out of our convenient world and into the world of growth. That will take a few things, most of them along the lines of learning new things. Some will include taking new actions as well, after you’ve put in the time for learning.

So, with that said . . . .

Buy and read books and magazines that are themed for justice, or get the audio version. Watch documentaries and consume entertainment that is themed for racial justice. Talk about the things you’re learning with safe friends (not the ones who will try to “correct” your thinking to bring you back into pure whiteness). Find book groups and discussion groups and social groups that include the overt presence of people, especially leaders, who are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color).

Along with that, simply become familiar with the cultures (plural) from the BIPOC community. Get to know people as individuals. Have coffee and (I emphasize this) listen without correcting or restating and clarifying what you heard to fit your assumptions. Get to know BIPOC people as people, not as simply a collection of people that you know, but as people that you are connected with.

And then let yourself find your way forward. Some of us white people are going to just be more vocal and willing to speak into a conversation that’s trending towards justification of racial injustice. (AKA, Uncle Frank at Thanksgiving who spouts racist nonsense — it’s your best shot at insisting that your viewpoint on racial justice be heard as well, no matter the pressures to be “polite” and “ignore” Uncle Frank’s racism because “it’s family time.”)

Some of us are going to organize white communities and groups that work on promoting racial justice. Maybe your group will fight for a livable minimum wage, or clean, safe water for everyone in your community, or community-supported free or…



Writer; observer; sometimes doer. Fiat justitia ruat cælum. More at stephenmatlock.com Mostly off Medium now & writing elsewhere