I Am an Anti-Racist Art Educator. Here’s Why

James Haywood Rolling Jr
Simple Word Publications
4 min readSep 11, 2021


Self-portrait/Community rumination, walking through East New York, Brooklyn. Photo by James H. Rolling, Jr.

I am an anti-racist art educator because racism, its internalized razor wire, and stark social byproducts are still active and visible in the world we walk in. Anti-racist educators must be just as active and visible.

I am an anti-racist art educator because racism now accuses anti-racists of being “racists” in a failed attempt to prevent anti-racist work from being done. We are doing…



James Haywood Rolling Jr
Simple Word Publications

Creativity Educator | Artist | Antiracist | Counter-narrative Crusader | Rebel with a Cause | Author, “Growing Up Ugly” available @ https://tinyurl.com/4zs6de28