How Do We Get Out Of Capitalism?
The way to Acid Communism
I will criticize capitalism here… then ask you to sign up for my newsletter. You can read Marx all you want… on your Amazon Kindle. In this way, capitalism is like the Hotel California. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. It’s like a room full of doors that all lead back to the same place.
Capitalism — more than any ideology — devours its rebellions. Kings would kill you for criticizing them, but capitalism takes nothing personally. It’s strictly business. Capitalism will take your rebellion, print it on a t-shirt, and sell it back to you. How do you resist such a thing? It’s amorphous, it’s relentless, it’s everywhere. Resisting capitalism feels like a fish resisting water. And yet some fish did resist water. That’s how we’re here.
The end of capitalism is both impossible and inevitable. I don’t know how it ends, but it will. Every ideology is very serious in the present and looks very silly in the future. We laugh at the divine right of kings, but we have billionaire shop-keepers. Are we any less absurd?
Every empire has no clothes, and while they get away with it for a while, eventually some kid points out that they’re butt naked and the whole thing comes down. I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but the first step is having the audacity to…