Four Scary Aspects of the Power Station Attacks
Attacks were part of a bigger plan
When coordinated attacks struck substations in several states a few months ago, I wasn’t surprised. These attacks left thousands of people without power. But if you dig into the story, the recent attacks have much scarier aspects.
Here are some of them:
They Were Predicted
I’d heard the premise before. The premise was explored in the book, “Total Power” in the Mitch Rapp series. In the book, written by Kyle Mills, the United States must deal with a coordinated attack on the nation’s power grid. Power goes out across the nation and the United States is on the brink of anarchy.
Mills must have done his research. Apparently, there have been several of these kinds of attacks in the past and many of the crimes are unsolved.
The Attacks Had a Bigger Goal
According to a recent FBI press conference, the attacks on substations in Maryland were coordinated by Brandon Russell, leader of a dangerous white supremacist terrorist group called Atomwaffen Division, and Sarah Clendaniel, a drug user with a long criminal history.